Privacy Policy

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Queen’s Institute of District Nurses (QIDN)

Charity Registration Number: 20003265

Privacy Policy

The Queen’s Institute of District Nursing is Ireland (“QIDN”) is a registered charity and it’s registration  number is 20003265.

The address for correspondence is:

Carmichael House for Voluntary Groups,
4 -7 North Brunswick Street,
Dublin 7
D07 RHA8

The QIDN takes the privacy of our beneficiaries and donors very seriously. It is strongly committed to protecting your privacy and every reasonable effort is taken to ensure that your  information is kept secure and intact.

This policy describes how the QIDN collects and uses personal information about those who visit it’s  website, provide their data in writing or over the telephone. This policy also states how and why data is used and how it is stored.

This policy is available on the QIDN website ( It may be amended from time to time.

The General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) EU 2016/679 provides the legal framework that  defines how personal information can be used.

The QIDN is fully committed to complying with the principles set out in GDPR and has a legal duty to  protect any information we collect from you.

  1. Identity and Contact Details of the Controller

The QIDN’s Controller is the Trustees (“Board”) of the QIDN

The Secretary of the QIDN is responsible for ensuring that this notice is provided to potential “data  subjects”* prior to the QIDN collecting/processing their personal data.

(* The person whose personal information is held by a data controller)

  1. How do we collect personal information

We collect personal information about you when you interact with us, for example, when you visit  our website, apply for grant aid or when you make a donation.

We may also collect technical information relating to your use of our website, including your browser  type or the Internet Protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the internet.

We also gather general information about the use of our website such as which pages users visit most  often.

  1. What information do we collect

The personal information we collect could include:

 – name of beneficiary; name of parent/ guardian; postal address; phone number of beneficiary; email  of beneficiary; date of birth of beneficiary; name of referee; name of organisation to which the referee  is associated; address of organisation; contact phone number for referee; email address of referee;  relationship of referee to beneficiary; information concerning previous grants from the QIDN;  information concerning applications for grant aid to other organisations; information concerning  whether grant aid has been received from another source

Special Categories of Sensitive Personal Data

Certain data are classified under GDPR as “special categories”.

This includes details such as ethnic origin, biometric data, genetic data and health data.

The QIDN may require limited information relating to the health of the beneficiary to enable an  assessment to be made concerning the type, scope and amount of grant aid which would be  appropriate.

  1. How do we use this information

We will use the information you provide as follows:

      • to assess the level of grant aid which would be appropriate to the beneficiary
      • to improve services to our beneficiaries
      • for administrative purposes
  1. Lawful basis for processing you personal information

Under the GDPR (Article 6), the lawful basis for processing and holding personal information is  “legitimate interest” since it is necessary for the QIDN to use this information to establish the scope  and amount of grant aid which may be appropriate to applicants and to enhance our services.

  1. Do we provide information to other parties

We will only share certain information (geographic location, purpose of grant aid, amount and date)  with other organisations, for example financial accountancy firm for audit purposes, where we have  your permission to do so in accordance with this Privacy Policy or where information is required by  law or regulation.

Under no circumstances will health data provided by you in support of the application for grant aid  be shared with any party other than members of the Board and Council of the QIDN.

We will never sell your data to any third party nor will we share your details with other entities for  marketing purposes.

  1. The existence of automated decision-making including profiling.

The QIDN does not use computers to analyse your data in order to make computer decisions, for  example, about targeted advertisements or marketing communications.

  1. Ensuring that your personal information is safe and accurate

The QIDN ensures that information held on our computer systems and in our paper filing systems is  secure and guarded against unauthorised or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction of, or  damage to personal data.

  1. Your rights to access your personal information

Under GDPR you have the right to ask to see the information which the QIDN holds about you. Before we can comply with your request we will need you to confirm your   identity and to specify which data you require.

  1. Retaining information

The QIDN will only retain the information or parts thereof if a business or regulatory need exists.  It is not kept longer than is necessary for that purpose.

  1. Complaints

In the first instance, you should contact the QIDN at or write to the QIDN at the  address given for correspondence given above. If you remain unhappy with our use of your personal data, you have the right to complain to the  Irish Data Protection Commissioner.