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Applications will be considered at the next meeting of the QIDN Council on:
Applications will be considered at the next meeting of the QIDN Council on:
Latest Grant Updates
The Queen’s Institute of District Nursing in Ireland.
The Queen’s Institute of District Nursing in Ireland (“QIDN”) is a registered charity in Ireland which aims to provide financial assistance for palliative care, hospices, respite care, training and education of nurses involved in palliative care and for individuals with life-limiting condition or disability.
The funds are also intended to help where there is either undue delay in obtaining the required assistance or where funds are not available from the statutory bodies.

Palliative Care
It is our goal to offer financial assistance to help provide the best quality of life to those with a terminal illness or condition.

Home Care
We can provide financial contributions towards the cost of nursing or support carers for those who are disabled in their own homes.

Respite Care
We can provide financial assistance for the provision of respite care for primary caregivers in their own home or for those in their care.

Nurse Education
We can help nurses who wish to enhance their skills in the area of palliative care and associated disciplines.

Medical Equipment and Assessments
Funding for medical equipment, disabllity-related home improvements and medical assessments can be considered